Today I began having doubts over how much I really want to spend more than this month out here. It’s not that I don’t like it. I really do. But I have left so much behind at home, plus it may just be easier to keep what I have than to pick up and start over in a new area. I always have been saying that the worst case was that I would have a month-long vacation. Maybe that’s also the best case. I have not decided yet and it has not had an affect yet on my job search.

Today I went shopping with Grandma. During the course of our day, two grocery stores, a gas station, and Hometown Buffet. We drove all around, looked at potential places for me to apply for. Like I said, I don’t yet plan to try less hard because of this. It may just be a phase. Or maybe I will go home. I just am taking every day by itself. This has been a wonderful opportunity to clear my head and just relax.

If I do go back immediately after this month is over, I have begun considering an alternate route home. The fact is, there is no way in hell that I will drive back through that desert. Which means that I’ll be taking I-5 as far south as Sacremento. If I do that, I am considering going a few more hours south to two of my uncles and their families. Then, why not go a few more hours south to two more aunts and an uncle and all their families?

That’s all speculation of course. I may stay. I may find that the hours/gas cost is too much and blaze right through Sacramento into Salt Lake.

There is one thing I know I will never stop missing, though: pumping my own gas. Seriously, Oregon, why are you so damned backwards about that?


One thought on “Day 3 – COLD FEET

  1. They banned pumping your own gas as a way to provide more jobs to people.

    Economically though, it still doesn’t make sense, as those people could be more efficiently employed elsewhere, raising real wages slightly in the process.

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